Neurodevelopmental Superpowers in Greenville SC

Neurodevelopment Superpowers In Greenville SC

Chiropractic Greenville SC Neurodevelopmental Superpowers

Regularly scolded for “not sitting still” or “never paying attention” an increasing number of children are being diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, Autism, or other neurodevelopmental disorders. Contact our Greenville SC chiropractor for help today.

Lets Break Down The Stats In Greenville SC

  • 6.4 million kids have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011 - this represents about 11% of kids!
  • Adults are being diagnosed with ADHD 4Xs faster than children
  • OCD affects 2,200,000 adults, or 1.0% of the U.S. population!
  • OCD now is thought to affect as many as 2-3% of children = 2,226,000 kids!
  • 1 in 8 - that’s 9,000,000 kids - have a diagnosed anxiety disorder!
  • 32 million children have at least 1 of 20 chronic health conditions!
  • The #1 and #2 side effects of antipsychotic meds for kids are diabetes and obesity - 2 diseases that have been on the rise for children over the last 30 years.

These stats are worrying at the least! 21st century kids are suffering and they need help. Picture the world for a few moments 30 years from now. All of these kids as grown adults: How is their health? Are they reaching their potential? How are their friendships? Are they alone and isolated?

Thankfully with modern research we can better understand how kids’ brains function and have broken the stigma that kids who have behavioral or sensory processing issues - at THINC we refer to them as their “superpowers” - are badly behaved or a burden. At THINC, we believe that #GODDOESNTMAKEJUNK and that extends to everyone!

Navigating the symptoms and treatments available for kids with a neurodevelopmental disorder can feel like a huge undertaking when you don’t know what you don’t know. What options are available to my child? Are there natural solutions? What medical professionals should I seek guidance from?

These are all great questions and something we discuss in depth throughout the course of care in our office. It definitely is a team approach!

The Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

For those seeking alternative solutions, neurologically based chiropractic care has been shown to improve behavioral characteristics of ADD, ADHD, Autism, and other common neurodevelopment and sensory processing abilities. Some of the most common things we see in our THINC Neurodevelopmental kiddos:

  • Learning: Lack of focus/concentration, speech delays, retained primitive reflexes
  • Digestion/Urinary: Potty Training Delays, Bedwetting, Constipation “Holding It In”
  • Sleeping: Can’t fall asleep, won’t sleep without the TV on or parent present
  • Behavior: Tantrums, anger, hitting/biting siblings, stressed/anxious

According to Kessler et al., children with one disorder are prone to have the effects of other disorders as well. For example, children and adults with ADHD or Autism can also be prone to anxiety, depression, OCD, and other chronic health conditions.

The research is growing on the benefits associated with neurologically based chiropractic care and neurodevelopmental disorders, specifically chiropractic care utilizing a tonal approach to care whereby the nervous system is analyzed at each adjustment.

So How Does Chiropractic Help?

Understanding the brain and body’s communication is a great place to start.

Most people know neural signals are sent from the brain to the rest of the body, but the body also sends signals back to the brain through the spinal cord. When the spine is misaligned and impacting the nerves and nerve function, there’s disruption in the body’s communication with the brain. Removing subluxations through chiropractic adjustments brings the spine back into alignment and removes the pressure on the nervous system. This allows the body and brain to communicate and function better.

An ADHD brain under stress is likely to exhibit more intense behavioral characteristics like inability to focus, feeling overstimulated, and increased hyperactivity. In Autistic patients, stress can inhibit learning and motivation and increase their “fear” response. Identifying and removing stressors is central to the development of kids with neurodevelopmental disorders. As discussed in our Managing Stress article, chiropractic care plays a part in relieving stress from everyday life to severe traumas.

Consistent neurologically based chiropractic care is a great addition to a child’s health toolkit and has research (below) has shown to improve behavioral characteristics of ADHD and Autism and help children focus in school, improve communication, and reduce anxiety in both the child and parents. Our goal is empower parents and kids to THINC differently about the items in their health toolkit when it comes to various neurodevelopmental superpowers. Our goal is to work with you towards the best solution for your brilliant, individual kid!

THINCers Experience

Dr. Zane practices the nervous system focused tonal technique of the Torque Release method (TRT). The TRT technique is especially gentle and non-invasive, allowing kids to feel comfortable and a great option for kids with sensory processing issues. At THINC, we specialize in working with children with neurodevelopmental superpowers. Here are a few of their stories…

Meet Sebastian
Our little THINCer Sebastian started with neurologically based chiropractic at age 5. Sebastian was diagnosed with ADHD. Some of his health concerns at the time were bedwetting, digestion, attention and focus, sleeping, allergies, and temper management. Through regular chiropractic care his mom saw his attention improve in school and he started being able to sleep through the night in his own bed!

Meet Sebastian
Our little THINCer Sebastian started with neurologically based chiropractic at age 5. Sebastian was diagnosed with ADHD. Some of his health concerns at the time were bedwetting, digestion,

Chiropractic Greenville SC Sebastian

attention and focus, sleeping, allergies, and temper management. Through regular chiropractic care, his mom saw his attention improve in school and he started being able to sleep through the night in his own bed!

He had less potty accidents and increased awareness of when he needed to go to the bathroom and he was soon following directions better, generally calmer, and outbursts of anger decreased. Watching Sebastian thrive is exactly why we do what we do.

Chiropractic Greenville SC Michael And Family

Meet Michael
Fourteen year old Michael was diagnosed with Autism. On his first few visits, Michael wouldn’t lay down or let Dr. Zane adjust him. He was unsure and fearful in the new environment. Now he is the first one to get on the table for his adjustment every time! When he first came to THINC Chiropractic he had a very limited diet, like only eating the noodles from his spaghetti.

Meet Michael
Fourteen-year-old Michael was diagnosed with Autism. On his first few visits, Michael wouldn’t lie down or let Dr. Zane adjust him.

He was unsure and fearful in the new environment. Now he is the first one to get on the table for his adjustment every time! When he first came to THINC Chiropractic he had a very limited diet, like only eating the noodles from his spaghetti.

His high levels of social anxiety made it hard for him to sit still. Now he’s exploring new foods, eats the sauce with his spaghetti, and sits down at restaurants and through church services! He even sat through an entire Hibachi Grille experience with NO anxiety.

Seeing Michael focused, relaxed, and making eye contact with others is a testament to what’s possible for others, too. He has less tantrums, is less stressed, and it was all possible simply by restoring the integrity of the nervous system connection between his body and brain through gentle and specific chiropractic adjustments.

Bringing Your Child In For Care

If your child is diagnosed or you suspect they have ADHD, Autism, or another neurodevelopmental superpower, we’d be happy to introduce you to neurologically based chiropractic care. Our THINC team loves serving and playing with THINC kiddos and is comfortable caring for kids who may navigate the world a little differently!

We also understand kids might think going to a chiropractor is like the dentist. Don’t worry, we don’t have ANY drills! But there are things you can do to help them prepare for their first visit:

  • Discuss and describe what happens and let them watch you go through the process first. They may not be ready to get adjusted at first, but watching you as a role model will help them be prepared.
  • Visit our office ahead of time, we’d be happy to meet you! Getting used to our staff and surroundings will begin to create a routine experience for them.
  • Utilize our THINC Kids online resources to bring a sense of familiarity with Dr. Zane and their own bodies. They’ll find videos, games, and coloring pages!
  • Bring something to their visit that makes them comfortable like their favorite stuffed animal or toy, or plan something fun afterward. The more they associate positivity and comfort, the easier they will open up to being adjusted!
  • Stay positive and celebrate each step of the way. Kids are great at sensing our reactions and nonverbals. If we seem nervous and unsure, they’ll feel the same way. That’s why leading by example can help them prepare, too! As care continues, check in with them on how they’re feeling and what they think.

Learn More

Have More Questions? You can always give us a call at (864) 735-0079 or see what we’re up to on social media. You’ll see how we do adjustments, member experiences, and smiling faces teaching you about taking care of your body!

Schedule Your Consult! Are you ready to THINC differently about your health? Read more about what to expect at your first visit here and schedule your consultation online here or give us a call at (864) 735-0079 to start your health journey!

Where Is THINC? Find our location here (579 Haywood Rd.)


9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:30am - 12:30pm

9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

THINC Chiropractic

579 Haywood Rd
Greenville, SC 29607

(864) 735-0079